Love Evolution

In 1881, getting married at age 13 is normal.  Mum and dad pick your mate.  It’s all very straightforward. Love is about reproduction and necessity. 

Now take the 1950's. The 20th century introduces romance and a special thing called, "a date".  Forget your parents arranging your marriage with Faye Fertile from the Village of Piha.  You’re expected to do your own wooing, and as we all know, that can be hard work.  Maybe that’s why things will veer off in the most unexpected and science fiction direction yet. 

Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the computer.  It will change most everything about the way you conduct life, and that includes meeting someone special.  The World Wide Web is at your fingertips which for singles looking to find a partner means a VIP pass to world’s biggest singles pick-up bar, but there is a catch.  As fabulous as internet dating is, it can also be very un-fabulous.  

Singles dating sites can be a breeding ground for deceit.  Careers can be changed, body types reconstructed, and lives rewritten all with a few simple key strokes.  It’s a liar’s paradise, and it’s hard to call a bluff with no one sitting across the table.

And so of course we’ve reached the turning point.  Many are breaking up with online dating.  Singles looking to find a partner have retreated from online dating sites and entered the real world again where they can learn so much from a touch or smell, but the 21st century wouldn’t dream of be as boring as to not offer a new rung on the dating ladder.  

We are the Dating Agency generation. Just like the internet, Match Makers save time, are affordable and filled with high quality singles looking for a partner, and unlike dating sites, humans make the match.  This modern method of dating accommodates our busy schedules but also takes us back to the basics of human interaction.  We’re working smarter, not harder.  

Who knows what tomorrow will bring, but for now, it’s safe to say singles looking for love have many options.  If you’re single and looking to find a partner, look us up!


Dating in Auckland and Wellington with Two’s Company!


First rules for the first date